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On March 13th 2020, New York City enforced Shelter in Place in response to the growing wave of Covid-19. During the first 40 days of this unprecedented time, Well of Wills sent out a call for stories of resilience, grief, joy and discovery in the form of weekly creative challenges. Each prompt was delivered at the beginning of each week in the form of a short filmmaking tutorial. On Fridays, we would host a conversation with instructors and participants about the week’s theme. By Sunday, folks sent in their microfilms.

We collected over 40 microfilms from around the world. From June 2020 to February 2021 Well of Wills produced a short experimental film that assembles a selection of these video diaries into a collectively-made work of art that captures this unprecedented time. This film is called The Ark. 

Shared Process Tutorials

Tutorial #1: Telling Stories of SHOCK using Objects & Voiceover

Shared Process' first creative challenge asks the question: How are you relating to some of the most shocking realizations or news of this time?

6 Steps to Making Your Microfilm about Shock with [Objects & Voiceover]

1. Source your material
2. Script and record it.
3. Select Objects
4. Frame Objects
5. Shoot it
6. Edit it together


Watch Tutorial #2 - Telling Stories of Anger using Performance Ritual

This tutorial is taught by Nessa Norich, a Brooklyn based performer and director.

4 Key Steps to Making Your Microfilm about Anger using [Performance Ritual]
1. Write a list of unmet needs
2. Choose the one that is most charged
3. Craft your performance with these (3) ingredients of your choosing:
A.) A restrictive location as your "set". B.) A repeatable task that expresses your anger. C.) A phrase or sound for vocal catharsis
4. Shoot your performance from 3 angles


Watch Tutorial #3 - Telling Stories of Longing using Performance & Contact Improv

This tutorial is taught by Katrina Sorrentino, a lens based artist.

4 steps to making this Microfilm:
1. Journaling: What people/ places/ sensations am I longing for?
2. Choose your "surrogate." This is a subject or object that symbolizes what you're missing.
3. Identify how your longing makes you feel and incorporate that into your performance with movement and/or by incorporating additional objects.
4. Shoot!


Watch Tutorial #4 - Telling Stories of Confusion using Collage & Stop Motion

This tutorial is taught by Emma ZT.

1. Download Stop Motion Studio app (FREE & easy to use!)
2. Write 3 lists (which will become your voice over) 
3. Collect and cut out words 
4. Collect objects 
5. Set up for filming with a flat surface and stabilize your phone
6. Shoot your video!
7. Record your audio (aka reading your lists)
8. Edit and play with layering your audio

Watch Tutorial #5 - Telling Stories of Wonder using Prose & a One Shot

This tutorial is taught by Poppy Liu.

1. Free write with the prompt of WONDER
2. Go deeper by focusing in and becoming curious
3. Write a script 
4. Edit your script 
5. Record voiceover so you can time your one-shot
6. Shoot one continuous shot.